Jon Jones comments on TRT and how athletes should not take anything that enhances them

Jon Jones has faced the top competition in the UFC, but he will face something different next Saturday night at UFC 151.

He will me meeting former Pride and Strikeforce champion Dan Henderson in the main event of UFC 151 and it will be the first time he takes on someone that has a therapeutic use exemption for testosterone replacement therapy.

Jones was asked his thoughts on this controversial topic in mixed martial arts today and believes fighters should not be allowed to use it.

“That’s a pretty controversial topic and I’m not sure if I should go there,” Jones said. “Basically, I believe that if you are healthy enough to play a sport, you should not take any performance enhancing drugs or testosterone.”

Several UFC fighters have been given therapeutic use exemptions for TRT with the Nevada State Athletic Commission including Henderson, Chael Sonnen, Forrest Griffin and Frank Mir.

Jones recently turned 25 years old and doesn’t feel that athletes should be able to take a drug that gives them the strength of a younger man.

“I don’t think you should take a drug to pretty much give you the strength of a thirty year old again,” he said. “That’s like me saying I’m not as fast-twitch as I was when I was 20. Let me take something to be 20 again.”

During last week’s edition of “The MMA Report Podcast,” Dr. Johnny Benjamin joined the show to talk about TRT and he believes that this is a legal form of cheating. Jones believes that athletes should not be able to take anything that will enhance their performance in their sport.

“I think things like TRT and steroids should be for the sick, or for the normal people that really need the drugs. If you’re an athlete, you’re an athlete. I don’t think anyone should have anything that enhances them.”

After Jones made his comments on TRT, Henderson did not respond.