The MMA Report Live at 6 p.m. ET – John Morgan, Steve Carl and Joe Murphy

The MMA Report Live take place today at 6 p.m. ET on and the show is hosted by Jason Floyd of

Coming up on today’s show, Jason will be joined by John Morgan of to recap UFC 160 and the retirement of Forrest Griffin.

Also on today’s show will be World Series of Fighting 3 fighters Steve Carl and Joe Murphy.

Along with the interviews on today’s show, Jason will take your phone calls at (917) 387-4517 with your question or comments about MMA.

If you are unable to call in, questions and comments can be posted in the comments section before or by Twitter.

The guest list and time they will be on is below:

  • 6:00 – John Morgan of will recap UFC 160
  • 7:00 – Steve Carl will discuss his WSOF 3 bout against Tyson Steele
  • 7:15 – Joe Murphy on his upcoming WSOF debut against Carson Beebe