Ashlee Evans-Smith suspended 9 months for positive drug test at UFC 181

Ashlee Evans-Smith has been suspended nine months by the Nevada Athletic Commission for testing positive for the diuretic hydrochlorothiazide at UFC 181 in December.

Joe Camporeale-USA TODAY Sports
Joe Camporeale-USA TODAY Sports

The Nevada Athletic Commission handed down the suspension on Tuesday during their monthly meeting and addition to the suspension, she was fined 30 percent of her purse ($2,400) and must supply a clean test to come off suspension.

During today’s commission Nevada Attorney General Christopher Eccles presented the case against Evans-Smith and the fighter was not present on the phone or in person to give their side of the story. The commissioners heard Eccles present the facts of the case and without Evan-Smith or a representative to give their side, they went into deliberations. Commissioner Pat Lundvall filed the motion for the suspension, which was unanimously approved.

Also at today’s meeting, the commission handed down temporary suspensions for UFC fighters Nick Diaz, Anderson Silva, and Hector Lombard for their recent failed drug test.